The narrative of authentic change in the Social Age

In the Social Age, change is constant: only those organisations and individuals who recognise this and adapt can thrive. Agility is the key: agility in technology, in mindset, in skills, in learning.

Authentic narrative

Change is constant in the Social Age: authentic change stories are co-created by organisations, communities and individuals

A shift in mindset needs to be away from organisations owning change towards them providing an authentic core story, but engaging with the community to build the shape of that change. It’s about co-creating the story, not imposing it. If we accept that organisational culture is based upon a relationship between organisations and individuals, then any change projects that intend to succeed need to swim in this space, shaped by both parties. The organisation can set direction, social leaders can engage with community and the community can flesh out the detail.

Narrative is an important part of this: the ability of the organisation to narrate it’s goals from change and to engage in appropriate storytelling, and the narratives of communities and individuals as the change occurs.

It’s an interplay of story, individual, community, leadership and organisation.

Stories are important: they can engage us emotionally as well as around the information. Storytelling is a great Social Age skill, one that improves through practice!

Whilst change is constant, it does not need to be negative: it’s only negative when trust is fractured by failing to tell authentic stories.

About julianstodd

Author, Artist, Researcher, and Founder of Sea Salt Learning. My work explores the context of the Social Age and the intersection of formal and social systems.
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