Domain Connection to Interconnectivity

Today i am #WorkingOutLoud as i develop and reflect upon work originally published in ‘The Socially Dynamic Organisation’ book. One of the conclusions of that work, which explored a new model of Organisational Design, was that we need greater interconnectivity: not simply within existing Domains, but between them. The early chapters of the book set up how our legacy ‘industrial and post industrial’ frameworks hold their strength within ‘Domains’, vertical structures that give one type of strength, but tend to act against adaptability. Hence we need more Socially Dynamic structures that rely more on guidance than direct governance, and are reconfigurable to need.

I’m reminded of that work in my current project looking at Culture: how we tend to be connected within those Domains: within formal and tribal structures that are held quite separately from each others.

The illustration shows how the Domains are vertically coherent, but built on foundations that do not move. Interconnection comes through a range of conditions: partly technological, partly leadership, partly cultural.

Another influence on this work is my research around ‘Change as a Social Movement’, which highlights the influence of ‘precursor networks’, legacy structures, shadow structures, of community, which are, nonetheless, reactivated at need. Dormant strong social ties.

I think there are very tactical, practical things we can do to build greater interconnectivity, but they involves getting lost: creating new meta-tribal structures, and hence understanding with what power, and in which spaces, we can come together in new ways.

Note that this work that i share today is incomplete: this is part of #WorkingOutLoud. The book represents my codified thought, and here, on the blog, i share my evolving thinking. Finding certainty, in structure, thought, or language, too early can constrain us.

About julianstodd

Author, Artist, Researcher, and Founder of Sea Salt Learning. My work explores the context of the Social Age and the intersection of formal and social systems.
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