Aspects of the #SocialAge – Part 5 – Change Never Ends

The Social Age is about change, change which never ends. We are used to the types of change that influence our lives on a daily basis, things like moving house, moving jobs, mergers, and acquisitions. But the change we feeling the Social Age is different: it’s about the infrastructure, ecosystem, the environment itself. Notions of identity, trust, permission, knowledge, technology, and reputation all evolving. Those things which we thought were solid and permanent, turn out to be leaves in the breeze. Fictions of a bygone era.

Aspects of the Social Age

To be strong in a time of constant change requires a new type of strength.

In the old world it was about mass and momentum, resources and energy. In the new world it is about being Socially Dynamic, agile, adaptive, and magnetic.

The Socially Dynamic Organisation

The old world was governed by Victorian hierarchies of power and control, the new world will be governed by self moderation, co-creation, fairness, kindness, and social reward.

Change is everywhere, all the time, in everything, and we are just at the very start.

Great excitement of the moment at the emergence of Pokémon GO: the first truly mass virtual reality app, but little recognition that the thing we should be focusing on is not this game, but rather the widespread social adoption, spread, at such speed, of an entirely new way of interacting in the world.

We are close to a tipping point of new technology, the widespread impact of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality. If you thought we’ve seen change so far, wait to see what’s coming next.

This is another aspect of the Social Age: change is constant.

The blog is on holiday for two weeks: i’m sharing a series of ‘aspects of the Social Age’ until normal service resumes.

About julianstodd

Author, Artist, Researcher, and Founder of Sea Salt Learning. My work explores the context of the Social Age and the intersection of formal and social systems.
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