The Imperfection of Leadership: Fragments

Just sharing some fragments of writing around imperfection:

That all leadership may be viewed as imperfect, in that we are accountable in so many ways there is no single ‘right’ path – that maybe what matters is a humility to accept our imperfection, and to be in dialogue with it. In dialogue with our practice.

That ‘perfection’ is subjective to the current context, and that as context changes it may do so insidiously, and hence leave us with delusions of perfection and a fracturing reality.

That perfection is hence false comfort.

To examine our relationship with imperfection; as judgement, as punishment, as social consequence, as opportunity to learn.

Notions of balance, of dance, of motion – this idea of being not ‘perfect’, but ‘in motion’ and ‘in dialogue’ i like. To remain in a contemporary and ever changing nuance of ‘self’ and practice.

About julianstodd

Author, Artist, Researcher, and Founder of Sea Salt Learning. My work explores the context of the Social Age and the intersection of formal and social systems.
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