Category Archives: MySpace

Idle chatter? Just how useful is social networking?

Facebook and Twitter are taking over the world. Or so it sometimes feels. From revolution in Egypt to promoting Sports Massage, social networking is the tool of choice. From networking for a new job through to organising student fee protests, … Continue reading

Posted in Broadcast, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Social Media, Social Networking | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Painless, not seamless. A pragmatic view of technology in online learning (and the importance of Tea and Socks)

You don’t have to get things totally right, but you have to avoid it being painfully wrong. At least, that’s my view of technology in online learning. Pragmatists will win the day, because online activity, whether it be retail, genealogy … Continue reading

Posted in Agnostic, E-Learning, Engagement, Learning Technology, MySpace | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment