Words about Learning: Salads

I only ever order salad when i’m feeling guilty about something. It’s a kind of easy culinary karma after yesterdays platter of fried eggs (a mistake in my Dutch translation with a heavy cholesterol consequence). If it’s not part of a plan to lead a healthier lifestyle, my occasional salad gestures are probably hollow. It’s a little like buying worthy books: ones that i know will sit on the shelf for years without ever being read. I just feel better by association, wisdom by osmosis, but until i develop a better reading habit, it’s probably cosmetic.

One time interventions, the way we often develop learning, are all well and good, but change only comes from holistic approaches, ones that deliver change over time with context and support. We develop in small steps, building our own language around a subject and developing skills. In the Social Age, you have to ask yourself who is responsible for the plan. I’m responsible for my diet and literary habits and shortcomings, so why would I leave my learning to someone else? Giving people the tools and developing a mindset to curate individual development is surely a better approach.

About julianstodd

Author, Artist, Researcher, and Founder of Sea Salt Learning. My work explores the context of the Social Age and the intersection of formal and social systems.
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